Thursday, June 27, 2019

How SERP Tracking can be used to benefit your SEO strategy

Use SERP to show up higher on Google searches. Everyone is competing to be seen on that first page of search results, and SERP can help you beat our your competitors by analyzing keywords. You may be missing keywords that drive traffic to your webpage. SERP will also evaluate your local SEO based on geographic locations. This is especially helpful for small businesses or when business expands to new areas. SERP will also give you the most current information so you will know where you stand at all times. Get SERP and get ahead.

Key Takeaways:
  • Whenever someone opens his browser to Google website and wants to search something there, he will be sure that the results will be so many pages long.
  • Due to the fact that the information on the Internet is growing in leaps and bounds, Google has to be relevant to people.
  • When someone notices that his website is sluggish and wants to find a way to revive his SEO, then keyword ranking should be the first thing to do.
"The Search Engine Result Pages or SERP are a robust way with which Google brings the most relevant information in the fastest manner to the users."

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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Why Should Small Businesses Blog?

If you’ve never explored the world of blogging before, you might be wondering how it could be relevant to your small business venture and could seem overwhelming for a newer individual. In his new summary, Mike Knapp discusses the reasons behind why you should consider starting one, how to think about approaching your customers and a few tips on how to start taking advantage of content marketing mixed with a few pro tips on how to blog in a professional setting.

Key Takeaways:
  • Many persons know it already and some don’t even know that the number one thing that Google looks at to rank websites is content.
  • Small business owner should start the process of writing their company blog because this will help them to have more engagement with their customers.
  • Blogging for businesses is about thinking with the customer in mind with the hope that starting a blog will be a way to plan and sell to them.
"Creating valuable content that your clients will start to engage with and use is really your goal here."

Monday, June 24, 2019

Why Every Small Business Needs SEO

Google has gradually transformed its search engine to the point where users are less likely to click through to a company website. This has lead some small businesses to give up on SEO. They are making a mistake. SEO still improves the likelihood of your business appearing near the top of Google's increasingly short local pack list. As always, adaptability is the key. Google has constantly fiddled with its algorithm over the years, and SEO has adjusted accordingly. Quality content in Q&A or FAQ format that written in regular language is a great way to score points from Google. This in turn can help grow your business.

Key Takeaways:
  • The search engine that Google uses has been changes in steps and it has transformed itself into a company with resources itself.
  • The moment that a user on Google searches for a small business rather than having to click through and go to another website they receive the information immediately.
  • The local pack list has been shortened by Google from ten to three or four and this has heightened the competition for companies to be in rankings.
"Some companies have given up on Google rankings because of this, but SEO is still incredibly important for small businesses."

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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Have we lost the human touch in marketing?

Marketing is a fast paced, ever growing and ever-changing monster. It is typically staffed with individuals that understand the need for these traits and possess a management style that works well with delivering results. In Gemma Manning’s new post, she explores the possibility that marketing has lost the ability connect with humans appropriately. She also provides 5 great tips on bringing a personal and human component back to the field such as remembering to not spam your content and upset your subscriber base and start a conversation, rather than just shove your content in their face.

Key Takeaways:
  • Marketing has become more complicated than in the past and more intricate than ever imagined before and this is because consumers are becoming more complex.
  • Some of the functions of marketing is to attract customers, and deepen a relationship with them, as well as deliver business outcomes that are sustainable.
  • Many marketing budgets allocate a large amount today to CMO spending and about 25 percent of marketing investments are on digital marketing.
"From always-on CRM systems, to voice biometrics and even social media – digital innovation is driving many facets of modern marketing."

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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

3 metrics small businesses should track to measure SEO success

For a small business owner, having a SEO strategy is crucial to getting your website noticed. Many small business owners struggle to develop a good SEO strategy even though 36% of them say they already have one according to a recent Clutch survey. Even if you already have a strategy, small business owners need to know how to measure their SEO success. The three metrics that are necessary to measure SEO success are traffic retention, backlink quality, and conversion rate.

Key Takeaways:
  • SEO strategy and the need to develop and implement one on their website is a truth that many small business owners are beginning to understand.
  • A recent Clutch survey shows that more than one third of small business owners implement an SEO strategy and about 23 percent will roll one out in 2019.
  • Measuring SEO success is one of the keys to developing an SEO strategy and this is something many small business owners fail to realize.
"While many small business owners understand they need an SEO strategy, many of them struggle to create one that is effective and comprehensive."

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

How Seo Can Benefit A Business

While SEO (search engine optimization) shouldn't be confused with marketing on social media platforms, it is still an electronic way to get a small business name out there. SEO is about visibility and bringing a website to the top searches across various types of search engines. While amateurs can definitely have a shot at it, the best results, especially for small businesses, are achieved when a professional is hired to set up the SEO objectives and see that they are carried out.

Key Takeaways:
  • The main ingredient that brings many people into an organization is content and many businesses are now using SEO to crush the competition.
  • For businesses who want to win in the online world, it is essential that they have an online strategy that helps them to achieve it.
  • When a business wants to advertise its products to a larger audience on the internet, it needs to employ an SEO company who will develop a strategy.
"SEO for local small business owners is an excellent way to build a new customer base and expand your company in new ways."

Monday, June 10, 2019

Local SEO Keyword Research - Why?

You want to consider the keywords that are gonna drive you the most business. Not only the keywords that you would really desire to be on page one of Google for, but also the longer keywords folks would use when trying to solve a problem. Really put some thought into this and get a list put together. From there you build a specific page for each of those keywords and optimize that page so that that page ranks for those keywords. Why is that important? Every time you rank on the page one of Google for a particular page, think of that as an employee that's working for you, 24/7, everyday getting you traffic and sales to your website. So the more little employees you can have out there working for you, the better. So you're gonna wanna rank for multiple keywords, the best keywords that most people are going to.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

5 tips to dominate local SEO

When businesses fail to drive traffic to their websites and their content, they leave money on the table and customers in the dark. The author states that he has seen this happen too often. The author believes that small businesses should concentrate on developing a creative content plan which focus is to drive traffic to the website due to its optimization for local searches. If this is not done, the content will turn out to be too general and not one that is targeted to the audience of the business. It is wrong for an entrepreneur to just build a website and hope upon all hopes that people will just discover it by mischance. To get an edge in this competitive market for ranks, the website should be optimized for local searches which relates to the local market and the site the business runs should have mobile browsers in mind when it is crafted. The author then provides five SEO tips that businesses should keep in mind. The first tip they need to implement is that they need to set up a Google My Business page for the website. When many persons are searching for a business they usually go to Google so the Google My Business page will help the website be found. The other four tips are included in the blog.

Key Takeaways:
  • The creative content plan that should be developed by small businesses should focus on dominating the searches for local search engine optimization.
  • When businesses fail to develop a content plan then they fail into the trap of producing content that is too general or not made for their audience.
  • One should set up a Google My Business page because people usually go to Google for help whenever they are looking for a business.
"Too often, entrepreneurs leave money on the table (and customers in the dark) by failing to drive traffic to their business."

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Saturday, June 1, 2019

Local SEO - Effective method to do Local SEO for Small Business

Does your small local business need a bit of a helping hand in getting their digital marketing game back on track? Have they considered focusing on SEO methods that are targeting small business exclusively? If not, concept bb comes to us today to provide a brief list of tips and tricks including pay per click ad revenue, confirming your business on the Google + platform, upgrading the production pictures and enabling a location for customer reviews. Positive word of mouth will always be king!

Key Takeaways:
  • To begin to maximize your SEO efforts for your small business, start by ensuring your Google Plus page is associated with Google My Business.
  • Because you can now view photos in search engine results pages, it's wise to upgrade your photos.
  • Data shows that customers are always intrigued by other customer opinions, so it pays to encourage reviews.
"You just need to fathom the novel characteristics of Local SEO tips and apply several direct frameworks to oblige them."