Thursday, June 6, 2019

5 tips to dominate local SEO

When businesses fail to drive traffic to their websites and their content, they leave money on the table and customers in the dark. The author states that he has seen this happen too often. The author believes that small businesses should concentrate on developing a creative content plan which focus is to drive traffic to the website due to its optimization for local searches. If this is not done, the content will turn out to be too general and not one that is targeted to the audience of the business. It is wrong for an entrepreneur to just build a website and hope upon all hopes that people will just discover it by mischance. To get an edge in this competitive market for ranks, the website should be optimized for local searches which relates to the local market and the site the business runs should have mobile browsers in mind when it is crafted. The author then provides five SEO tips that businesses should keep in mind. The first tip they need to implement is that they need to set up a Google My Business page for the website. When many persons are searching for a business they usually go to Google so the Google My Business page will help the website be found. The other four tips are included in the blog.

Key Takeaways:
  • The creative content plan that should be developed by small businesses should focus on dominating the searches for local search engine optimization.
  • When businesses fail to develop a content plan then they fail into the trap of producing content that is too general or not made for their audience.
  • One should set up a Google My Business page because people usually go to Google for help whenever they are looking for a business.
"Too often, entrepreneurs leave money on the table (and customers in the dark) by failing to drive traffic to their business."

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