Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Why Chatbots Could Be The Secret Weapon To Elevate Your Customer Experience

Having the option of your customers contacting you through an email form on your site is a reasonable communication feature, but unfortunately, consumers tend to grow tired of how long it takes for a response. Chat bots provide both the consumer and the webmaster with 24/7 support to any relevant needs. Whether you need support on how to get the service working, or your customer is looking for site assistance, chatbots provide the convenience of constant customer support.

Key Takeaways:
  • Customers today expect instant gratification. When they send a message through email or social media, they expect almost instant response.
  • Chatbots, enabled by artificial intelligence and neural programming, are able to engage with customers in conversations that successfully engage with them even when staff are at lunch.
  • It is estimated that over two billion messages are sent on Facebook between businesses and customers alone. Therefore, several businesses are incorporating chatbots in delivering answers to customers
"Providing customers with instant responses, answering basic questions, helping with common order questions, resolving complaints quickly, and providing a consistently friendly and on-brand voice are all reasons that chatbots provide an elevated customer experience."

Read more: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jiawertz/2018/12/23/why-chatbots-could-be-the-secret-weapon-to-elevate-your-customer-experience/?fbclid=IwAR3vHFqm72TXBWY0USA_wNNw31uQRU8h50RX8GYrcJEz2mBmP1lM34uxnUc#4c4d59cf4645

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