Monday, February 18, 2019

Bizarre Study Finds Pizza Motivates Employees More Than Cash Bonuses

There is nothing better than being appreciated at work. Sure, we all love bonuses or overtime opportunities and even recognition awards, but there has never been more excitement in an office then when your boss brings in a couple of pizza boxes and says, “happy Wednesday, thank you!!”.
This article highlights a new study done by economist Dan Ariely that measures performance rates when the reward of pizza was introduced. It also included control groups that only received motivation by words and motivation by money and found that pizza did the best overall. The final results will really make you stop and think.

Key Takeaways:
  • The authors suggests that startups that are strapped for cash and want to motivate their employees do not need to give them cash but just pizza.
  • The experiment relating pizza to work productivity was not performed on rats but on actual human subjects with actual jobs with measurable work performance using pizza.
  • The rats for the study were factory workers who were divided into four groups. Three groups were promised rewards of pizza, $30 cash and compliments while the fourth nothing.
"A productivity experiment found that pizza was a fantastic motivator for increased productivity."